Sunday, November 30, 2008


之前寫過姪女的文章, 今回談談母親吧。

母親令我尊敬的地方, 實在不只一樣, 但要數她最偉大的優點, 除了堅強樂觀外, 大概是她從小到大給予我無限大的自由度去決定我人生裡的大事小事。

我知道, 有很多家長, 其實也處處為子女著想, 為他們舖了一條成長路, 擔心他們行差踏錯。而我的母親呢, 就只在我作大事小事決定時給予我某些意見, 適時候提醒我為某些事準備, 然後就由我去選擇我的路。

當然, 事事也不可能完美, 有時候她也會過度緊張我, 但她的寶貴人生意見, 其實在很多人生關口中也給了我很大的啟示, 以致今日才有這樣的生活。雖然現在的生活不是很富裕, 但三餐溫飽已很幸福的了。

但或者母親其實只是怕我有太大壓力, 其實心裡在嫌我還是很孩子氣, 到現在還沒有出人頭地、光宗耀祖? 呵呵, 若是這樣, 真對不起呢...

倘若妳給予我同樣大自由度去選看我愛的電視節目而不跟我爭吵的話, 我可以長進點的啊。

Sunday, November 16, 2008

2008: I've finally got some walks done.

There's only 1.5 months left for 2008. Yet, no marshmallow for me. Instead, some sweat, worry but no panic.

Last night, I joined the "2008 ORBIS - Bupa Moonwalkers event", which was fund-raising ORBIS's sight saving mission requiring the participants to walk through around 20km fm Mong Kok to Sai Kung and share the sunrise there.

Along the route I met a lot of old friends - fm when you were together with in secondary schools, in university, in old workplace and in current ones. It's just like a process for you to reload all these old days' memory into your CPU, a very touching feeling.

Days before I've been thinking of the objective for joining this activity. Secondly, I've been a bit "different" and "indifferent" these days, as I am doing some self-reflections on some personal conflicts. And after joining this, through the "hard work", I've got some hints to the answer for the above 2 questions finallly. I think that's why people saying "actions always speak louder than words"?

The biggest challenge and surprise to last night event was that, one of our teammates was suddenly missing during the course, and everyone was so worried after lossing her contact. Actually, this teammate was my friend's friend and therefore, I had very little idea of what she was and how she really looked like. However, I could imagine how's their missing friend's feeling right now in her heart. Why? Just because I was the one becoming the victims for several similar occasions before, being left behind by your own friends, and she must be very unhappy.

Luckily that I was also one of the sub-group falling behind the main stream of my current "broken" team, I decided running towards the destination direction, hoping that either I could have located this lost girl or I could catch up the front sub-group. I couldn't remember how far I've running since it's been a really long queue and right before becoming totally exhausted, I've found the girl successfully.

Yea, though I did not study any counselling course, I was quite good at comforting girl(s) especially in the dark by doing and saying bad things. So, this was my advantage (or disadvantage). You could like (or dislike) my such personality but yet, I DON'T CARE! I'll repeat: I DON'T CARE! So the girl complained how sad she was being left behind without any of her friends' knowing she's been left behind, and once she's felt regreted for joining such team instead of another one, just becoz she cared about their friendship in this team. However, she's been so affirmative of this event mission and she'd decided going forward even she's alone now.

I totally understood her feeling, since I've got a cold-blooded friend who's been most indifferent to all but 1 only friend, i.e. me, but he's going to marry soon. How ridiculous but life was sometimes and she found some comfort fm my sad stories, perhaps. And I further elaborated my reason for joining this event, just because I could have a chance of experiencing, though in a very limited way, the life of the blindness, and this is very meaningful. And of course, I did mention to her that my bad luck with these selfish friends were not better than hers, since 1.) they didn't confirm me the meeting time and place until the same day evening while this event started at midnight 2) they just kept walking and walking that they could leave their own friend behind, i.e. you and me now!

We just further exchanged some of the ideas of how to live with different people and acknowledged that everyone was different in certain ways and they were already adults, having the right to choose for their own lifestyles. Sometimes there's no way to change others- you could advise them only and finally we had to learn how to accept some of others' bad traits and avoid such fm happening on own selves too. Though things were not perfect and there's no big deal for having fun or tears with such different friends actually.

Eventually, I had accompanied such missing girl to the destination point and, some of her and my friends had left already, as expected so no dissapointment either. But some were still there and so tonight's ending, though might not perfectly good, still unforgottable and fruitful with sandwiches and soya milk as breakfast!

I did not settle for the sunrise and just hurried back to home for a good sleep.


There's still 1.5months to go for 2008, and I'll take everyday not for granted. Dream like you'll live forever; and live you'll die tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008



1.) 麥凱恩落選美國總統。
2.) 奧巴馬當選美國總統。
3.) 李兆基於10月30日以每股平均價$19.387減持國壽(2628.HK)3182萬股至4.72%。
4.) 網主於10月29日以每股平均價$19.8增持國壽(2628.HK)1000股至0.00000000000000001%

Saturday, November 1, 2008


在「男兒當入樽」裡有一個角色, 尤其令我喜歡的, 就是三井壽

三井在初中時代籃球縣大賽中的MVP: 他在縣大賽中在落後的情況下, 原想放棄比賽, 但在安西教練的鼓勵下成功反敗為勝! 自此之後, 三井一直視安西教練為恩人, 極為尊重, 並在高中加入由安西執教的湘北籃球部。可惜後來三井因膝傷的關係而缺席了球場, 而球隊的表現不理想,他無奈而悲傷地告別了心愛的籃球,並與不良青年為伍。三年級時,與籃球部的宮城結怨, 便帶人到籃球部報仇,最後在朋友們和安西教練的幫助下重返球隊,並成為球隊中的主力選手。

可惜, 因為兩年的空白期, 三井漸漸感受到自己體力已大不如前, 並多次在比賽後段體力不支而倒下...也因此在內心產生了一份強烈的懊悔感, 使他傾向於美化過去和責怪現在的自己, 什至不再相信自己在隊中的重要性, 以致漸漸對自己失去了自信...

幸好, 三井並沒有失去了最重要的武器: 那不只是他射三分的能力, 而是他擁有的強烈的求勝意志, 在安西教練和隊友纓木及赤木的支持下, 他總是能夠在比賽中在對手的疏忽下為球隊投進關鍵三分球。

本漫畫對三井這個角色的設計實在是很妙的。由於他一出場的時候便是一個壞蛋中的壞蛋, 尤其是他找宮城報仇時跟櫻木及流川打鬥時的血惺場面, 是這本漫畫最暴力的一環; 同時事實上, 三井在本漫畫的戲份其實是最少的, 也是五份正選中的最大配角; 但作者井上雄彦還是給了這角色一個很好的發揮面: 改邪歸正時所經歷的有心無力感以致無奈, 在最需要隊友支持撐一把時櫻木和木暮一明一暗的兄弟肝膽相照之情, 引發的張力實只有同道人才能分甘同味!

說了那麼多, 還是回到正題吧!

不經不覺, 加了入本公司已經兩年了。公司給我的最大的感覺當然便是「無常」。在這裡, 你永遠估不到誰會是下一個離開公司, 那比恒指的走勢更難測! 所以, 你每月的經常性公餘活動便是Farewell! 所以, 你必須有心理準備, 若你去了一個星期的旅行回來, 你很有可能會發覺身邊的同事臉孔又變得不一樣了! 是真的!

即使這樣, 我也在這所公司白白的過了兩年, 好不容易呢!在這裡兩年, 我懊悔從前為什麼沒好好讀書, 要在一個貨倉裡, 被一個讀過6 Sigma的高人問為何倉裡的電掣給印度搶了; 為何倉裡有貨不能留下給別的客人, 而缺貨時是何不早前留下一點貨? 為何香港的單是大笨象, 而在大笨象櫃員機提款時也可以沒cash? 為何我們不可以每一張單用人手肉眼去好好分貨, 為何豬完又豬? 點解乜都急? 點解預測可以係咁預測(註: 不是黑天鵝問題)? 點解有「依貓」 要有「試試放屁」這種煩工具? 點解別人讀心理學可以做經理, 而我讀認知科學就只能做「職業反省」, 但又不會選或被選expert(or novice).....這些問題跟每次生離都是那樣叫你不理解且只能嘆奈何, 無辦法了, 一切可以是有原因, 但也可以是無原因。

無法証實, 那只有証偽: 那就是目前的老闆並不是安西教練, 但他(們)都有大肚子。