最近, 我在辦公室裡忽然變成了一個沉默寡言的人。
其實起初我是不太習慣這樣的一個 "新角色" 的, 因為扛從第一份工作開始, 基本上我都是會跟同事吵吵鬧鬧, 這樣上班樂趣多~
其實一開始我並不想有這個改變, 人通常都會喜歡不變應萬變; 可是, 原來自己一個吃飯/上班下班/在鬧市潛行, 也會有一份自由和爽快的感受, 可以比較寫意 :)
當然, 有時候也就只有比較孤獨和悶 :(
不過, 現在可以靜靜地觀察辦公室的周圍人事, 那樣也可以較有另類體會。
P.S. 但我仍希望搬進了新辦公室以後能有多一點點的有趣人和事發生~
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
生活中偶有不順時, 其實是一個很好的調整時機, 使你難得在意一點那刻那刹間那根刺。
我們大概喜歡每事按計劃進行, 故想藉著所認識的因果關係去控制調節每件事情的進度; 可是在全知與半知的世界裡, 碰釘是必然的事, 太順利了便沒動機去反省自我和重新學習。
所以, 欣賞自己在遇上挫折時的不快感受, 你會發覺小病真的是福, 令你記起遺忘了的迷失。
學習新事物時跌倒的痛快感, 會讓你甦醒過來! 萬試萬靈!
我們大概喜歡每事按計劃進行, 故想藉著所認識的因果關係去控制調節每件事情的進度; 可是在全知與半知的世界裡, 碰釘是必然的事, 太順利了便沒動機去反省自我和重新學習。
所以, 欣賞自己在遇上挫折時的不快感受, 你會發覺小病真的是福, 令你記起遺忘了的迷失。
學習新事物時跌倒的痛快感, 會讓你甦醒過來! 萬試萬靈!
Fortune Cookies
在美國唐人開的餐館裡, 大都會在飯後結帳時給客人送上名為「Fortune Cookies」的甜品。
那種U 型狀的Cookies 裡卻埋藏著無限的智慧字條!
"Your present plans are going to succeed."
"Who has confidence in himself will gain the confidence of others."
"At this moment, someone is thinking good thoughts about you."
"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes playing a poor hand well."
"It is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your luck. Even while waiting for it."
通常一般人收到這些字條其實都不太在意, 又或是太盲目樂觀理解又非明智之舉; 只要當成一點鼓勵那麼其實就是其作為「甜品」之理由。
那種U 型狀的Cookies 裡卻埋藏著無限的智慧字條!
"Your present plans are going to succeed."
"Who has confidence in himself will gain the confidence of others."
"At this moment, someone is thinking good thoughts about you."
"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes playing a poor hand well."
"It is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your luck. Even while waiting for it."
通常一般人收到這些字條其實都不太在意, 又或是太盲目樂觀理解又非明智之舉; 只要當成一點鼓勵那麼其實就是其作為「甜品」之理由。
Friday, February 3, 2012
Man, I have really tried my best, to try to look at you the way that, you have matured and learnt from your past; you can respect me as one of your "friend"; you are now better with your new life; and we can somehow work together....However, it really doesn't work out like that. Maybe the googles I wear have color - I have too many recollections of your past, and have been encountering too many failed expectation on you which makes me, too hard to, acccept you.
Maybe I am wrong too - I can't think too much now coz it needs to filter everything which are too many for my mind to process right now - really, it's too painful. It's become a prejudice that I also admit in certain level, matrix, areas...whole tonnes of stuff that I really can't fix, and I don't wanna fix it.
And the best part of the problem is we are lack of communication, and we are never being treated on the same platform.
Sorry, I shouldn't only point my finger on you and talk by myself. But really, too much prejudices ahead and behind, i.e. between us and the door is closed, ever.
利字當頭, 去吧! 讓你的傲氣實現你心中的理想, 去做你的大佬吧!
Maybe I am wrong too - I can't think too much now coz it needs to filter everything which are too many for my mind to process right now - really, it's too painful. It's become a prejudice that I also admit in certain level, matrix, areas...whole tonnes of stuff that I really can't fix, and I don't wanna fix it.
And the best part of the problem is we are lack of communication, and we are never being treated on the same platform.
Sorry, I shouldn't only point my finger on you and talk by myself. But really, too much prejudices ahead and behind, i.e. between us and the door is closed, ever.
利字當頭, 去吧! 讓你的傲氣實現你心中的理想, 去做你的大佬吧!
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