- Inspiration and quotes by Nick Vujicic
You have to understand that sometimes it is impossible to receive the answers you’re looking for right away. There are no short and easy paths to a long and lasting happiness.
The storm - You are not alone. It gonna be ok. WE GONNA BE OK.
- You may not be able to see a path right now, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
- The challenges in our lives are there to STRENGTHEN our CONVICTIONS. They are NOT there to run us over
- Choices
- Get up
- 1 step at a time, just taking it a day at a time
- Fail? Just try again, and again, and again.
- It matters HOW you are going to FINISH. Let's finish strong.
- The greatest purpose - Look within, Look around.
- Follow your HEART I: Love YOURSELF just the way you are
- No need to be scared / anxious of how other people look at you
- The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life takes place. It's the high-anxiety zone, but it's also where you discover who you are
- Learn to be peace with yourself, have hope and love.
- You are beautiful just the way you are
- Follow you HEART II: Just love ALL people
- because there is freedom and power in loving people
- Hugging and Tears
- Forgive yourself and others
- But there is one thing better than going to heaven and that is to encourage at least one other person to go with me
- FAITH: ... Full Assurance In The Heart.
- You can't even stand without risking to fall
- God's love is so real that He created you to prove it.
- We come together as a family of God, hand in hand. And then together coming and standing upon the promises of God, knowing that no matter who you are, no matter what you're going through, that God knows it, He is with you, He is going to pull you through.
- Don't put your life on hold so that you can dwell on the unfairness of past hurts.
- For every disability you have, you are blessed with more than enough abilities to overcome your challenges.
- Have you ever felt trapped in circumstances, then discovered that the only trap was your own lack of vision, lack of courage, or failure to see that you had better options?
- Pain is Pain. Broken is Broken. FEAR is the Biggest Disability of all. And will PARALYZE you More Than Being in a Wheelchair.
- .. to keep moving up ... , you have to abandon the security of that ledge and reach for another hold. Letting go of that sense of security.. is the challenge. ... think of yourself as climbing a ladder. To move to the next rung, you must give up your grip and reach for the next one.
- I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.
You and I cannot see what God has in store for us. That is why you should never believe that your worst fears are your fate or that when you are down, you will never rise again. You must have faith in yourself, in your purpose, and in God’s plan for your life. Then you must put fears and insecurities aside and trust that you will find your way. You may not have a clue of what lies ahead, but it’s better to act on life than simply let life act on you. If you have faith, you don’t need proof—you live it. You don’t need to have all the right answers, just the right questions. No one knows what the future holds. Most of the time, God’s plan is beyond our grasp and often beyond even the reach of our imaginations. As a ten-year-old boy, I never would have believed that within the next ten years, God would send me to travel the world to speak to millions of people, inspiring them and leading them to Jesus Christ. Nor could I ever have known that the love of my family would one day be matched and even surpassed by the love of the intelligent, spiritual, fearless, and beautiful young woman who recently became my wife. That boy who despaired at the thought of his future is at peace today as a man. I know who I am, and I take one step at a time, knowing God is on my side. My life is overflowing with purpose and love. Are my days free of worry? Is every day blessed with sunshine and flowers? No, we all know life doesn’t work that way. But I thank God for each and every moment that He allows me to walk the path He has set out for me. You and I are here for a purpose. I’ve found mine, and you should take my story as an assurance that your path awaits you too.
- Don't give up on God. Don't give up on love.