最近在羽毛球運動裡學會了一種寶貴的體會: 那就是在進攻和防守的擊球一刻前必須要冷靜注意對方和隊友的位置, 然後快速決定每球的三維: 高度、 落點、力度(或速度)。
Stay hungry, Stay foolish.
最近在羽毛球運動裡學會了一種寶貴的體會: 那就是在進攻和防守的擊球一刻前必須要冷靜注意對方和隊友的位置, 然後快速決定每球的三維: 高度、 落點、力度(或速度)。
很不甘心, 一個interview 得很不錯的工作機會又失落了。
但回想起來, 很多很多真正成功的人, 都是很多很多次被別人放棄和錯過的。
假如我就這樣僥倖成功了, 我的心會如何想?
"Yeah! 都說過了我是可以的"
"我是做得對, 真的對!"
"終於可以再次出發, 大干特干了! 有了之前的經驗我何不是最強? "
"... ... ... ..."
我想, 目前的心態還未到位呢, 不能這樣亂來胡思亂想。還有要些更重要的東西未真正感受和學習到, 一切在主手裡。
儘管找工作實在需時, 但我的家庭角色卻有了明顯進步, 這是很難能可貴的~
以往心中只有工作為上的心態, 對自己和對家人都不健康的。
現在呢, 跟信仰有更坦誠的心靈敞開和交流, 每天的學習和成長還真是比任何東西都重要~
所以, 到底現在這個時間有什麼不好呢? 其實這是最愉快的時期!
繼續努力, 一定會有更好的發現~
The path to your destination is not a straight one, you’re going to have to take many detours.
In basketball, or badminton... it's obviously I am not the best player - neither in the offence or the defence. I pretty much know and appreciate for that, because I simply don't have that physical strength or talent or speed.
But sometimes I still make some brilliant plays occasionally, and everybody seems to like me.
This is the way I play. I am still learning when to pass, when to shoot, when to play as per game plan, when to let loose and do my way...
I only know when you play long enough, the ball will once be right there for me to rebound / catch / shoot / steal, etc.
I just make fun of every situation or opportunity that I have, as long as I can.
I like to 搞氣氛出峰頭~
There is always something in life, which is bigger than the job.
"The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life."