Tuesday, September 20, 2011


朋友說我又轉工了, 怎麼我那麼愛轉工, 而且每次總要令前僱主留下深刻印象?

其實我也不是很喜歡不斷轉工的, 如果可以的話, 我也希望自己一帆風順, 坐著直通車升官進爵...一步到位, 多好啊! 可是我這個人總愛挑戰自己之餘又不小心地挑動了高層(其實有些我沒有去挑釁可又不知為什麼給人挑機...我的額上明明沒有刻上包拯的月亮, 更加沒有"不滿"/"反對/"理想"/"救國"...等等字詞, 那肯定是因為我樣子不帥的關係), 於是人家就衝著我來問候和關心一番...

而最近一次, 就正正只是因為自己的背景檔案不良好, 受聘於人家不like的下屬, 於是乎被人家用了整整一年時間的觀察才終於肯接受我(或妥協我的存在), 可惜太遲了...我又轉工了...

事實上, 主管一開始assume 你是無能, 然後你用方法去證明你的有能, 本身就是一種Type I Error: 那就即時在某些大國中的法律, 首先已設定你有罪, 然後你要找證供證明自己無罪這樣,  難度真的十分高!

可幸香港法律是用Type II Error: 即是一開始假設你是清白, 而檢察官/警方是要搜集足夠人證物證以說服陪審團及法官被告是罪, 那樣便是控方的責任去使人信服被告有罪, 而非被告無澄澄要找方法洗脫罪名

而最後, 陪審團及法官是要在以下三種情況去作出verdict (裁決):
1.) No guess;
2.) Inference made should be compelling, reasonable and irresistable;
3.) Verdict have to be unanimous or by majority, i.e. 6-1, 5-2 (or 8-1, 7-2).

公司的高層如果能夠善用Type II Error 在管理人才, 那公司便能上下一心, 其利斷金了!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Learning to love is the most pleasurable thing in this world, and I started experiencing one of the most precious moment of such kind just days before.

Perhaps not days before...It's just started long way ago when I can't precisely say when and where.

All I know I need to do right now is to be caring her, and make her feel happy and that I am now totally can be in love and back to myself.

Wow...I started discovering my another half and the feeling is really amazing.

Gogogo!!! Once it started and everything just keeps rolling.

What a nice journey with another one to share with.

Cheers. It's a real and a brand new life.