Thursday, April 30, 2009


禽流感後, 香港再沒有活雞, 禽畜業給政府買斷了。

這次豬流感, 萬一來襲香港, 香港政府是否又把豬農業買斷呢? (看來也離那天不遠~)

對大部份港人來說, 這太概可能沒有什麼集體回憶可言。 可是我, 雖然生於Y世代, 可曾經有十幾廿年的日子是在跟雞狗豬一起長大的, 要是下次發現狗流感, 是否香港人不能再散養犬兒呢?

人和自然的共存關係, 會否有一天成為過去?


翻看舊照, 看到了一張自己在足球場上穿上印有12號的球衣。
為什麼是12號? 其實那是我最愛的NBA助攻王John Stockton 的球衣號碼。

頃刻間, 心裡面有點懷念舊日那段輕鬆輸快的日子...


Monday, April 20, 2009


很多人大概不太相信我是每一兩星期便去打籃球一次的人, 原因應該是我看上去不太sportive 和高大吧~

但其實, 自從中五以後, 這十年以來, 籃球已經成為我最持久的運動項目。

且讓我介紹一下我們球隊的regular roster:

大前鋒CCH: 這位球隊三大得分點之一、多年的籃板王, 是我們隊中打法最粗野、最硬朗和彈跳力極驚人的悍將, 善長籃底Fade-Away、左路鏟底線上籃; Pick & Roll 戰術的不錯伙伴。

射手Freeman: 外圍的步槍手, 右路底線跳射乃多年的絕技, 三分球命中率為隊中第二、罰球命中率第一, 有如洛文的挑釁技能, 往往使對方球員失去冷靜理智。

控球後衛P(亦即本人): 隊中的戰術策劃者, 好勝心強, 曾經為隊中三分王, 但近年轉打背籃進攻, 左手上籃以及Cross-Over 跳投(仍在努力中)。

雖然我們三位一直努力以打倒「北區美小女隊」為目標, 惜多年以來一直欠缺有效替補的第六人角色, 然而自從上年底得到從印尼回流的自由身球員Max的加盟後, 迅即與球隊各成員產生良好化學作用, 其可怕的「吸波手」屢次從對方進攻球員手上把球搶去; 純熟的「吃位」運球進攻及Fade Away, 穩定的外投及有效的傳送能力俱使球隊戰力大增, 現在各位球員的攻擊及防守都比以前順暢, 終於克服了多年無法克服的問題~

這麼一來, 看來我們的籃球生涯, 便可以再次向挑戰「北區美小女隊」進發!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lunch with my boss

For such a long time since my boss had come to my company fm Australia, it's quite "shameful" that today marked the only first time I had lunch with him personally. (See ? I am such a boy never learning shoe-brushing kind of things).

Nothing special, this happened to be a casual lunch with topics covering simple, down-to-earth stories yet, invaluable.

Having heard of just very little about my boss's background, I was quite surprised that my boss first job was a chef! Yes, nothing's related to supply chain and logistics. (So my psychological background isn't really strange at all!) What's the next after that? He's a storeman. (Bingo! I was a telemarketing sales selling now broadband TV!). And what's the next? Internal sales. (Oh man, I used to be a forwarding clerk but a professional politics-fighters against my director and his son!) So How and when did my boss "suddenly" change to a demand planning role? It began with master data maintanence and system set-up for MRP planning and then all along through several little stepwise changes and finally in Melbourne he met James (our current APOD supply chan director) when our parent company acquired the local Australia counterpart!

"So, what do you think, does your plan or your fate play and lead you to the current position?" (This is quite a silly boy question, though) I asked.

"Fate. I just focus on the things ahead and that's why I always say the rest will take care of itself. " He replied.

As sincere as his answer to my question, my boss gave the best gift to the little boy after lunch - an ice-cream which just tasted very fruitful.

Thanks so much.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

記得小時候, 家裡很窮, 陪伴我的唯一玩具, 大概就是一部卡式錄音機。

這部卡式錄音機本來是爸爸買來聽賽馬的, 但由於賽馬日只是逢周三和周日, 所以平時它就成為我這個住在深山裡的人唯一跟外界聯繫的工具。

當年因為哥哥說Beyond的音樂很好聽, 而我身邊的朋友都是愛唱和聽Beyond的歌的, 所以我很自然便喜歡上Beyond的音樂。每逢他們有新作在電台裡播, 我便會守候在各電台流行曲龍虎榜倒數, 以便立刻用卡式帶把他們的歌錄下來。又或是電視有他們的新MTV, 我也會把收音機放在電視喇叭旁把音樂錄下。那時讀小學的我這樣做已經很開心了。

自此我相信, 把喜歡的東西, 用任何一種方式記錄下來, 便是愉快。

現在想起來, 這種簡單直接的滿足感, 真的比起現今小朋友從手裡的電玩裡得到得更多更多。