It's an old post translated fm my friend Nesa's Diary 秋天, posted here as an "experiment". Enjoy!
Autumn, is one of the seasons which I like. I can't say it's the season I like most, since sometimes I am the kinda to-and-fro person.
Right at the beginning of a new semester, which marks the arrival ceremony of Autumn. The blue sky, the cool wind, and the lonely cloud.
Autumn, could make you feel sad, even though you are born to be optimistic; your mood could still be inflicted: Your heart feels uncertain, sour, and perhaps, is getting pain too.
The imperfect sweetness, the beautiful mistake, the moment next to fragrance ... and that would be an end? Could the lovely story still makes you feel warm during the Autumn?
I like Autumn, but it's not for the charming golden mountain; it's not due to the flying butterfly. It's only because of, its sadness. Only Autumn can bring me back to my past, to search for once-lost memory.
Time has never stopped for a while, and all human learn leaving the memory behind them.
During the time you're reading others' stories, how many times have you cared about the one belonging to yours?
It's not me wanting to go back, but just because I don't really care about the present. All the grief: the one makes your tears going down, the heart-breaking ones...all are brought back by AUTUMN.
Really want to hold you tight, but feeling that you are just getting more far away from me...
秋天 是我喜歡的季節 不敢說是最喜歡的 因為自己是個三心兩意的人
9月開學之際 便是秋天的盛典 蔚藍的天
高爽的風 孤獨的雲
秋天 是讓人覺得悲傷的季節
心會覺得不安 會酸 更會痛
甜蜜的殘缺 美麗的敗筆 溫馨的下刻----- 會是離別
童話故事裏的美麗情節 在秋天的溫存下會否有讓人感覺溫馨的一刻呢
喜歡秋天 並不是因為那一片金色的響往 也不是因為夢蝶飛揚
只有秋天 能把我帶回過去 尋找記憶中的那份殘缺
生活的流沙 從沒有停止過 人們都學會遺忘
但是屬於自己的童話 自己又看過幾多遍
並不是我想回到過去 只因為現實讓我不留戀
悲傷的童話 讓人落淚的童話 讓人心痛的童話 是秋天的童話
好想緊緊捉住你 卻感覺你離我好遠好遠...
"Could the lovely story still makes you feel warm during the Autumn?"
lovely story不可能是童話。之後提到的story, memory也不似是童話。
縱觀全文,愚見認為,"lovely story"似是"love story"的忌諱,作者刻意用lovely來掩飾。"love story"不會譯作童話吧?
Hi Dfpoon,
可能我表達得不太清楚, 讓你誤會.
原著是中文, 是我把它譯作英文, 再加了一點個人改編.
事實上, 我也不太愛寫傷春悲秋的事.
所以這是實驗品, 偶爾拿來玩玩而已~
你能夠看出我用字上的取捨, 尤其那個lovely一字, 實很厲害。
下 係咩 我覺得中文版好d wo
童話故事都係good ending
@@ 我一陣覺得英文版唔好
pat 你...太強
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